![]() Formerly High Brook Horse & Harness
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Rental For Horsepeople
For Complete Winter Hours and last
minute updates What is The Vermont Horse Country Store?
Well, we're not a catalog store! We are your local tack shop. Where ever you may be! Like a catalog we're as close as your telephone. But we're never limited by a catalog. When you call us, you will get a real horse person who will help you find exactly what you want in the best quality available for the price you feel comfortable with. If we can't find what you want, we'll try to tell you who can! And if we're not right handy, we'll call you back! What does The Vermont Horse Country Store carry?
Do you go to horse shows?
We have a mobile unit that can bring an appropriate selection of our inventory to your event or show. The Roadshow is specifically designed to go to smaller and mid-sized events in and around New England. Call us if you're interested. We'd be happy to talk with you about your needs. Do you sell horses?
High Brook Morgan Horse
Farm is located just 2 miles south of
The Vermont Horse Country Store. At the farm we breed and raise High
Brook Morgan Horses. We always have horses on our sales list and
we are happy to offer tours of the farm, visits to "The Boys"(our
stallions) or a look at broodmares and young stock. Please allow us
a little notice to be sure that there is someone available to show you
around. Is this Maple Syrup yours?
The best maple syrup in the world is made from natural maple sap tapped
from trailside trees throughout Vermont
Horse Country. It is a very important crop on family farms and we
think it is pretty special. Evaporated by the traditional method it
is the best the Kedron Valley has to offer. Are you part of GMHA?
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